Links on rad-fernweh

Tour collections

Link zu South America Bicycle Touring Links
South America
Bicycle Touring Links
Link zu Trekpilots Trekpilots
A german traveling webpage. The users provide input and tell others about the places they have been to and the secrets that make traveling so interessant. The german motto is : "Sag' uns wo du warst! Und zeig' uns wie's dort ist!"

Cyclingtours private pages

Link zu Mila und Markus Welttour Weltweise Versuchung
Mila und Markus on Worldtour 2003
Link zu Radtouren & Sozialarbeit Michael Schmitz
Radtouren & Sozialarbeit
   Link zu Toralf's Reisen Toralf's Reisen
Toralf cycles around the world. I met him in South America
   Link zu Thomas Danies Radtouren ...bis an's Ende der Welt
Thomas Daniel from Köln, Germany. He cycles both American continents from the North to the very South. His diary is one of the best, I have read. Highly recommended!
   Link zu Thomas Danies Radtouren Reiseleben
Thomas Gand is since 2005 on a Bicycle trip around the world, Asia - Australia - South America - ...
   Link zu Thomas Danies Radtouren Grenzenlos radeln
Markus Wagner will start his tour to Beijing in February '08, he will cycle the southern route via the -stan countries and India. (Despite to me - I will cycle through Russia starting April '08).

Other links

Link to Andreas R's Webpage
The partnersite of
   Link zu Martin K's Kronkorken Martin K
Collector of crown caps